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Name : Amirah binti Abdul Rashid

Origin Hometown : Ipoh

Field: Computer Engineering

Full-time : IT Assistant

Part-time : Tutor, Web Designer & Writer

Expertise : Web Development, Graphic and Multimedia Designer

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Being deeply loved by someone gives u strength, while loving someone deeply gives u courage. yes..i mean u...



People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too...



by Amyra Javaroses

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Cinta padaNya

Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, tidak semestinya manusia akan cintakan kita. Tetapi sekiranya kita cintakan Allah nescaya cinta Allah tiada penghujungnya. Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, kita akan cemburu kepada orang yang mencintai orang yang kita cintai. Tetapi sekiranya kita cinta kepada Allah, kita akan turut mencintai orang yang melabuhkan cintanya kepada Allah juga.

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11 April 2014



Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

As usual, everyday, we face a new problem in our daily life. Regarding on karma issue, there is just a minor correction; no such thing as karma in Islam. We will find karma in Hinduism. Karma in Hinduism means God. Whenever they do sinful act to the others, the Karma or God will punish them on Earth. If you do GOOD things, Karma will do good to you on Earth. If you do bad things, you’ll get your punishment on Earth.

Whenever in Islam, we believe in the existence of heaven and hell. We may get punish for our sinful act(s) on Earth and for sure after we die, Allah will punish us. That is the promises from Allah.

We also believe in the concept of "dugaan" or "cabaran". We’re able to see what happen previously in Rasullullah’s history. We can study about sirah Rasulullah. 

In the concept of "dugaan" or "cabaran", I give you one good example that can relate with this concept. We live at a place where 50% of our neighbours are bad Muslim, while the other 50% neirghbours are good Muslim. Then, something bad happen to the neighbourhood. People will say it is a musibah or so called punishment to the bad Muslim. But the musibah affects the other 50% good Muslim. So, why must Allah punish the good Muslim for the bad Muslim’s wrong doing??? 

This is we call “dugaan”.


The concept of karma does not fit ISLAMIC TEACHING. We have mistaken and misunderstood this concept and have long accepted, use and spread this karma concept as part of Islam. Well, it’s not and for sure it is wrong. Thus, we should stop believe in karma because we are not Hindu, we are Muslim and we are united.

by Amyra javaroses
07 April 2014



Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Entry kali ini aku akan post mengenai zikir yang seiring diamalkan para Anbiya. Zikir ini juga memberi ketenangan di dalam jiwa seseorang di kala hati dilanda resah serta jiwa tidak tenteram. Tidak juga setakat berzikir akan tetapi perlu yakin di dalam hati. Selain itu, jika kita berasa rindu akan seseorang, lafazkan zikir ini supaya hati berasa tenang dan rindu kita kepada makhluk akan digantikan  dengan rindu kepada Sang Pencipta.

Jika kita dapat mengerti setiap ayat dalam zikir itu adalah lebih baik kerana setiap maksud di dalam zikir ini, sangat baik dan kita hanya berserah pada Allah. Sama-samalah kita mendengar dan sentiasa menjadikan zikir harian kita.

Satu dakwah yang mudah untuk mendapatkan pahala iaitu SHARE post ini. Jika ada orang baca, kita dapat pahala, ada orang berubah kerana baca post yang kita share kita dapat pahala. Jika ada org masuk islam kerana post yang kita share kita dapat pahala.

Pahala mudah di dapati tapi hati selalu berat untuk memilikinya.

Hasbi Rabbi Jallallah
Cukuplah Tuhan bagi ku Allah Maha Agung
Mafi Qalbi Ghairullah
Tiada di dalam hati ku kecuali Allah

Nur Muhammad Sallallah
Cahaya Muhammad selamat atas NYA
Haqqul Laillahhaillallah
Benarlah tiada Tuhan selain Allah..
by Amyra javaroses


Rasulullah S.A.W juga pernah bersabda maksudnya “Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan 3 perkara iaitu mencintai nabinya, mencintai ahli bait (keluarga)nya dan bacaan al-Quran, kerana ahli al-Quran itu mendapat naungan Allah pada hari yang tiada naungan melainkan naunganNya bersama-sama para Nabi”.

Berperang untuk melawan sikap malas, bersemangat untuk belajar, pasti akan dialami. Ini bukan saat untuk terlelap, terbuai dalam mimpi tak berujung. Tiada istilah lelah dan penat, untuk menjadi sang pejuang.


Hi! This is Amyra, admin of and many more. A small blogger and started blogging as a hobby. Previously, I worked as a tutor and teacher, and of course currently, I worked as Kuli at Government Sector. I am running a number of Blog/Sites from my living room. Do contact me if u olls have any problems with ur sites. gtg. Catch ya later. =)