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Name : Amirah binti Abdul Rashid

Origin Hometown : Ipoh

Field: Computer Engineering

Full-time : IT Assistant

Part-time : Tutor, Web Designer & Writer

Expertise : Web Development, Graphic and Multimedia Designer

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Word world

Being deeply loved by someone gives u strength, while loving someone deeply gives u courage. yes..i mean u...



People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too...



by Amyra Javaroses

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Cinta padaNya

Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, tidak semestinya manusia akan cintakan kita. Tetapi sekiranya kita cintakan Allah nescaya cinta Allah tiada penghujungnya. Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, kita akan cemburu kepada orang yang mencintai orang yang kita cintai. Tetapi sekiranya kita cinta kepada Allah, kita akan turut mencintai orang yang melabuhkan cintanya kepada Allah juga.

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27 July 2013


Aku gadis biasa, yang tidak punya apa....

Masih bertatih mencari redha, masih mentafsir erti bahagia....

Tidak bergaya, tidak mesra dan kadangkala tidak peduli apa kata orang padanya....

Hidup bukan untuk membuat orang suka kerana bukan pada redhanya manusia tetapi keredhaan Allah yang aku perlukan....

Jika aku leka, tegurlah....

Jika aku lupa, ingatkanlah kerana aku hanyalah gadis biasa yang TIDAK MUNGKIN SEMPURNA.

by Amyra javaroses
25 July 2013


Still cannot understand why those ppl do not think wisely. When you join-in organizations, you need to think out of box. You should build your network by making relationship with your colleagues, staff and top management. Besides that, you cannot treat ppl like "sampah". Owh.. What the fish.. Nak mati ke kalau bagi satu senyuman???? I still feel like an idiot. Meet with this "kekwat" person and think i’m good and you are so dumb. Hello, are you jelly enough? 

Deep inside my heart, I'm wanna approach them. But in the end, those ppl treat me like dumb ass. Instead of tiz probs, someone that really understands me helps me and treats me very well. Very ironic rite?? Thanks for being nicely to me. Why... Why... Did you jealous when I talk to him? Did you jealous when he talks to me back? Did you jealous the way he treat me or the way i treat him?

Hello again....
He has special girlfriend, why you are so jealous? 

I kept thinking about your attitude. I'm trying to win your heart. You are like my sister. To me, you are same like others. Don't judge me because I'm a person with degree holder. Don't judge me the way i dress myself. Dress to make other ppl impress, not to show off.. I'm not type of that person that proud to show off my outfit, car, computer gadget and sort of that..

I'm proud to be myself.. 

Still...I cannot understand. You treat me like this is my fault.

Hello, we do not talk each other the day  i came to that place.
and... until now, you refuse to talk to me... even to say hi... only me... just me..and me... 

Why....and why...owh pelisss laaa.. I'm not type of that girl keyh..

by Amyra javaroses


Rasulullah S.A.W juga pernah bersabda maksudnya “Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan 3 perkara iaitu mencintai nabinya, mencintai ahli bait (keluarga)nya dan bacaan al-Quran, kerana ahli al-Quran itu mendapat naungan Allah pada hari yang tiada naungan melainkan naunganNya bersama-sama para Nabi”.

Berperang untuk melawan sikap malas, bersemangat untuk belajar, pasti akan dialami. Ini bukan saat untuk terlelap, terbuai dalam mimpi tak berujung. Tiada istilah lelah dan penat, untuk menjadi sang pejuang.


Hi! This is Amyra, admin of and many more. A small blogger and started blogging as a hobby. Previously, I worked as a tutor and teacher, and of course currently, I worked as Kuli at Government Sector. I am running a number of Blog/Sites from my living room. Do contact me if u olls have any problems with ur sites. gtg. Catch ya later. =)