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Name : Amirah binti Abdul Rashid

Origin Hometown : Ipoh

Field: Computer Engineering

Full-time : IT Assistant

Part-time : Tutor, Web Designer & Writer

Expertise : Web Development, Graphic and Multimedia Designer

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Being deeply loved by someone gives u strength, while loving someone deeply gives u courage. yes..i mean u...



People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too...



by Amyra Javaroses

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Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, tidak semestinya manusia akan cintakan kita. Tetapi sekiranya kita cintakan Allah nescaya cinta Allah tiada penghujungnya. Sekiranya kita cinta kepada manusia, kita akan cemburu kepada orang yang mencintai orang yang kita cintai. Tetapi sekiranya kita cinta kepada Allah, kita akan turut mencintai orang yang melabuhkan cintanya kepada Allah juga.

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14 November 2013


Why i should write this??? Heheheee... Just read keyh...

If someone blocked me, can they still see me?

You are never "notified", that you have been blocked. However, if someone blocked me and when I go into my message's history, his/her name still shows up in black. I cannot see a photo, and when I click on his name nothing happens. If I do a search, he/she doesn't show up.

The best way to find out is to go into past message or photos you know they have commented on. If they have blocked you, their name will appear in black, or it will just say "facebook user." You cannot click on it or anything else.

You have no right to access their page, and they have no access to you. They can not search and find you. As far as "mutual" friends pages, you will see the mutual friends page/comment/link/photos, but if the person who blocks you makes a comment on a mutual friends page, you will not see it. Hope this helps some of you :)

How do you unblock yourself off someones facebook?

Someone must've blocked you because of a specific REASON. The only way to UNblock yourself is to hack their account and do this, but that's completely out of the question. If you have friends that knows this person, though, you can ask them to ask the other person who blocked you to unblock you, or at least tell you why they blocked you. Other than that, you CAN'T unblock yourself. Or you could make a new account. 

I did. That is about the only way. I have HAD friends who were so OFFENDED and UPSET that they got blocked me.. Not even once, but twice.. Hahaha... It shows that this person "hate" me so much. This person got blocked me from particular people's facebook accounts that they ended their original account and starter over.

Of course, there are some drawbacks. You lose ALL info including pics, friends and others. Of course, the good news is that the block is removed. That ticked off the person who put it on there in the first place because that person couldn't permanently block the other one. People have the right to end their profiles at any time they want to. 

One other thing though, if you decide to keep your profile: All posts including pics that are public before the block took place stay in place. The only way they can be removed is if you remove them yourself, or the person who blocked you unblocks you (so that she or he can see them again) and then removes them, or if you end your profile.

I think there is a waiting period though, if you end your profile, to start a new one with the same e-mail address; like a buyers' remorse type of thing.

Teeeetttt.... There is also a thing called KEY LOGGER, download it, and find out your victim IP address either from simply ASKING THEM, or get them to download one of a DDOS's servers.

Hope this helped. By the way, this is a certain way of HACKING.

by Amyra javaroses


Rasulullah S.A.W juga pernah bersabda maksudnya “Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan 3 perkara iaitu mencintai nabinya, mencintai ahli bait (keluarga)nya dan bacaan al-Quran, kerana ahli al-Quran itu mendapat naungan Allah pada hari yang tiada naungan melainkan naunganNya bersama-sama para Nabi”.

Berperang untuk melawan sikap malas, bersemangat untuk belajar, pasti akan dialami. Ini bukan saat untuk terlelap, terbuai dalam mimpi tak berujung. Tiada istilah lelah dan penat, untuk menjadi sang pejuang.


Hi! This is Amyra, admin of and many more. A small blogger and started blogging as a hobby. Previously, I worked as a tutor and teacher, and of course currently, I worked as Kuli at Government Sector. I am running a number of Blog/Sites from my living room. Do contact me if u olls have any problems with ur sites. gtg. Catch ya later. =)