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Name : Amirah binti Abdul Rashid

Origin Hometown : Ipoh

Field: Computer Engineering

Full-time : IT Assistant

Part-time : Tutor, Web Designer & Writer

Expertise : Web Development, Graphic and Multimedia Designer

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Word world

Being deeply loved by someone gives u strength, while loving someone deeply gives u courage. yes..i mean u...



People think that the most painful thing in life is losing the one value, the truth is, the most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of valuing someone too much and forgetting that you are special too...



by Amyra Javaroses

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09 July 2013


Aku mengeluh… Kontrak dah pun abis.. Macam bese ibarat pepatah “Bagaikan pungguk rindukan bulan”… Memang jahanam laaa kalau tunggu PPD panggil ni… Dok fikir, perlu ke aku pergi PJ nak keje kat Western Digital atau perlu ke aku pergi Kedah untuk First Solar??? Hakikatnya, aku sudah tolak offer tu… Rugi, memang rugi.. Semua orang kata aku bodoh… Tapi, bagi aku… Berada bersama bondaku, itu sudah cukup buatku rasa tenang di samping beliau... Walaupun hari-hari kene berleter, kene marah, ade je tak kene..Tapi, aku merindui leteran beliau..

Berbalik kepada keluhan aku ni… Sebenarnya aku menghadapi masalah jobless.. Again and again… Tak boleh jadik ni.. Sekolah international tu dah panggil aku interview dua kali, tapi saje je buat bodo pasainya aku still kerja di sekolah.. Then, bila dah abis kontrak, baru ler terkinja-kinja datang buat muke tak tau malu minta kerja… Hahaaaa~~~ Peduli ape aku…

So, dah set interview ari Selase petang.. Pagi tu boleh laaa kak long ni melawat kawasan.. Pergi ziarah geng-geng di sekolah.. Hoi~~Hoi.. Rindu giler kat anak murid aku.. Jumpe ler jap.. Then, pekene mee kari kat kantin sambil bergossip hal aku… Pergh, tak boleh blah… Tak abis-abis tanya aku bila nak kawin.. Sakit otak aku nak jawab.. “Ye, saya nak kawin.. Tunggu Adi Putra pinang saya..” 

~~~Mak, kalau Adi Putra pinang Mira..Sumpah tak cari lain…Hahahaaaa~~~

Dok meronda masuk bilik guru, jumpe kengkawan maka terubatlah rindu ni sket… Iyolah, kat situ paling besh kot.. Tapi, kalau nak kate pengalaman paling besh di SMK Menglembu laaa… Even kat sana totally aku yang gangster n ganazz dengan budak-budak, hakikatnya mereka itulah dalam hati aku sepenuhnya. Tidak pilih jantina dan bangsa.. Aku masih ingat geng kantoi merokok, geng kantoi buat keje tak senonoh, geng kutip duit perlindungan, itu sume dalam ingatan. Yang aku dok paling ingat, kete kene calar dan baju aku kene cekak… Pergh, nasib baik diselamatkan oleh abang guru disiplin tersayang.. Thanks Cikgu Mail… Akanku kenang jasamu melindungi aku setiap masa… Memerhatikan tingkah laku budak-budak tu melayan aku.. Thanks bro…

Ok, stop laaa citer pasai sekolah tu.. Bikin gue sedih aje… Ok, so kuar dari sekolah tu kul 1.30 pm.. Eh, interview kul 2.00 pm.. Camne ni??? So, bawak ler kete cam orang gilak nak pergi Ipoh Garden South.. Sekali tepon berbunyi…

Re2 admin : Hello, may I speak to Miss Amira please?

Aku : Yup, speaking..

Re2 admin : Regarding for your interview session, we need to delay at 5 pm because our CEO and Executive are attending meeting..

Aku : (#^%&^*U)(IJKLNKJNJGHFG), Owh… Okay.. I will see you at 5 pm. But before that, which building of  re2 Human Resource Department?

Re2 admin : Nearby Pizza Hut.

Aku : Ok..Tqvm.

Letak je tepon, kete pun pusing menuju ke Taman Meru.. Riang tak terkata hati ini.. Ingat, balik umah nak prepare interview, tido jawabnya… Arghhhh, lantak laaa… Maleh aku nak fikir.. Bedal aje laaa.. Aku bukannya nak keje kat situ pun.. Tapi itu laaahhhh… Hurm… Tido, mimpi, bangun, mandi, solat, makan dan piii interview.. Sesampainya disitu, sume nengok aku. Pasai paaa deme ni nengok aku.. Tak pernah tengok ke orang pakai baju kurung??? Isi form dan ada test.. Huuu.. Layan..

Tunggu punya tunggu.. Boss masuk… Pehtu panggil interview..

Boss : Ok, btw what is your name?

Aku : Mira, erm… My full name is Amirah binti Abdul Rashid.

Boss : So, what should I call you? Mira, Amira or Mia?

Aku : I prefer Amirah… #smile

Boss : So, please introduce about yourself…

^Mata-mata berkedip nengok aku… Adoyai… Hahahaa~~~

Aku : #smile.. As I mentioned before, my name is Amirah binti Abdul Rashid. My origin hometown is in Ipoh. Now, I live nearby Taman Meru.

Boss : Owh.. Which part Taman Meru? Is it Meru Valley or Meru Height?

Aku :
(Hokaloh… Abah engkau laaa aku nak dok Meru Valley or Meru Height). Nope, none of these were true bcus I live at Taman Meru 2B; nearby SK Jelapang. (gua orang bese-bese jew..)

Boss : Ok.. So continue..

Aku : As noted from my enclosed resume, I have an experience with a wide range of technical through internship, full / part-time employment and technical projects. I am fresh graduate from Technical University of Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Bachelor in Electronics Engineering with a major in Computer Engineering at Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering with overall cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is 3.20. I have been studying at Ungku Omar Polytechnic, Diploma in Electronic Engineering with a major in Computer with overall CGPA is 3.56. Previously, I worked as a teacher at SK Dato’ Ahmad Said Tambahan, SMK Anderson and SMK Menglembu… Bla..bla..Bla..

Boss : State your strength and what can you contribute if you join this organization?

Aku :
(Haaaaaaaaaa…..Sudah… Jahanam…. Jawab je laaaa….)

Boss : Our working hours is bla..bla..bla… Then, bla..bla..bla…

#Terkebil-kebil aku dengar…

Boss : Ok, you may start on 15h July… From next Monday onwards, you will be our new staff; Junior ICT Teacher…

Aku : Waaaaaa…. I didn’t expect to get this news. I’m so terharu maaa…. Tenkiu.. Tenkiu…

#Menyengih boss aku…

Haaaahaaa… begitulah cerita aku.. Start hari Isnin, aku kene training session.. Dapat pulak Manager yang kacak, Korean style dan meteroseksual.. Sume lengkap, tapi sayang bukan taste aku… Takdak feel laaa… Huahuahua…

by Amyra javarose
08 July 2013


'If a guy likes you, then he is going to be around you. It doesn't matter if he is not talking directly to you or even blatantly ignoring you.

Even if he is making fun on you... Picking fights or punching you in the arm and then running away.

If he is interested in you, he will find reasons to be close to u.'

'If he is not around you more times than not, he is probably doesn't have any feelings  for you. Just as we have trouble telling someone we do like ‘em, we have the same trouble telling someone we don't.

So, instead of tat, we avoid you.

I think tat we just have trouble saying wut we truly feel, or that we are hoping tat if we are around you long enough you will start to understand our language, tell us you like us, and then invite us out to dinner '

'Wuteva the case maybe, the best sign to look for  to see is….

If he is interested in u, is if, no matter wut foolishness he is doing, he is doing it around u.'

by Amyra javaroses


Rasulullah S.A.W juga pernah bersabda maksudnya “Didiklah anak-anakmu dengan 3 perkara iaitu mencintai nabinya, mencintai ahli bait (keluarga)nya dan bacaan al-Quran, kerana ahli al-Quran itu mendapat naungan Allah pada hari yang tiada naungan melainkan naunganNya bersama-sama para Nabi”.

Berperang untuk melawan sikap malas, bersemangat untuk belajar, pasti akan dialami. Ini bukan saat untuk terlelap, terbuai dalam mimpi tak berujung. Tiada istilah lelah dan penat, untuk menjadi sang pejuang.


Hi! This is Amyra, admin of and many more. A small blogger and started blogging as a hobby. Previously, I worked as a tutor and teacher, and of course currently, I worked as Kuli at Government Sector. I am running a number of Blog/Sites from my living room. Do contact me if u olls have any problems with ur sites. gtg. Catch ya later. =)